Half Empty
Fighting for equality with beer
In an attempt to raise awareness of this social issue, Guinness has launched the "Half empty" campaign, describing the injustice of receiving less than deserved.
Most of the EU countries have a gender pay gap higher than 20%. Meaning the women are being paid 20% less than men for the same quality and quantity of the work. Furthermore, women football players are, on average, being paid four times less than male players. Through print ads and PR stunts, Guinness is fighting for justice and equality.
This is student work. Names, characters, brands, places and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. This work is designed to showcase the student’s ability to work with real world brands in real world applications. Any resemblance to actual events, brands, campaigns, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
This presentation is meant for educational purposes only.