From plants to concepting
When I was a kid I would always have the need to take the directing of the school play into my own hands. The same thing happened when a group of friends and I got assigned a random biology project on plant crossing. I had to make it into a scripted show. I suppose all those plants made me think of landscape architecture, so I took a quick detour in that direction. But it turned out I just liked telling stories. I like imagining other scenarios for what I was doing and having it be more than it appears to be.
I am also currently (permanently) in what TikTok refers to as a “granny phase”, where my life is overtaken by crocheting, sudoku, and cooking shows. Another thing worth mentioning is, food is very dear to me.
I guess what you came here to read is: I started as an art director then turned to copywriting, now I call it concepting.
Junior Copywriter
Copywriting Intern
Copywriting Intern
Art Direction Intern
Miami Ad School Europe Berlin, 2021-
Portfolio program
Steinbeis School of Management & Innovation Berlin, 2021-
M.Sc. Business Management
Bacc. Art. Algebra University College Zagreb, 2017-2020
Visual Communications Design
Faculty of Agriculture Zagreb, 2015-2017
Landscape Architecture (4 semesters)
Art Directing
Adobe CC
Design Thinking